Cable Tie ...
Zip Tie
2019 / 2020
Photo credit:
We use them 'willy nilly'
We use them to join things that can now stay joined for eternity
(well at least 10 years if the research is to be believed !)
We use them for a million different things
Even to put up advertising on lamp posts
(often then leaving them, discarded, forgotten, remaining like some weird plastic footprint)
We use them and do not stop to think.
Plastic fixings that will out live us
Plastic that will last longer ...
than many of the living things at this precise moment,
on this planet earth.
When I make ...
I try not to buy things,
I try to avoid chemicals,
I try not to add to landfill.
I avoid glue,
I am SO ECO !!!
I am SO righteous !!!
but in terms of the humble cable tie ...
I am guilty … I use them.
So ...
Why do I use something that is mass produced ?
Why do I use something that is totally against my 'so-called' principles ?
Why do I use something that helps to add to the destruction of our planet ?
Something that causes pollution ...
Something that adds to the crap that litters our lives ...
Something that is made by big corporations at the expense of the planet ...
Something that ultimately destroys things.
So now, not surprisingly …
YOU question WHY I use zip ties.
So now YOU question MY plastic joining methods.
Would you have thought about the humble cable tie before this questioning of me ?
Would you have thought twice about buying yet another multi-pack of a million billion plastic zip ties that you may actually
only use a few of ?
Would you have thought before ...
in so much detail ...
about something that is so small ...
so cheap ...
so seemingly insignificant ?
Maybe this zip tie that I use to join my found and treasured rubbish ... made from a material we refuse to give up …
Sums up where and how we have been going wrong ...
Maybe this zip tie sums up how we are shortsighted ...
lazy ...
and always want to use a 'quick fix' ?
And …
just maybe …
this zip tie sums up what is wrong with our society ?
We are ignoring the fact that this planet is being strangled.
We are ignoring the fact that we are using this planets' precious resources to make things that will litter our own and more importantly others lives forever.
We are ignoring the pile of plastic crap that we are drowning under as we pile just another little bit on to the top and think that it won't matter.
Now do you question me ... ?
Now will you question YOU ... ?
Now do you question ... ?
Will you now think twice ?
Will you now continue to use them ?
Have I made YOU think ?
We use them to join things that can now stay joined for eternity
(well at least 10 years if the research is to be believed !)
We use them for a million different things
Even to put up advertising on lamp posts
(often then leaving them, discarded, forgotten, remaining like some weird plastic footprint)
We use them and do not stop to think.
Plastic fixings that will out live us
Plastic that will last longer ...
than many of the living things at this precise moment,
on this planet earth.
When I make ...
I try not to buy things,
I try to avoid chemicals,
I try not to add to landfill.
I avoid glue,
I am SO ECO !!!
I am SO righteous !!!
but in terms of the humble cable tie ...
I am guilty … I use them.
So ...
Why do I use something that is mass produced ?
Why do I use something that is totally against my 'so-called' principles ?
Why do I use something that helps to add to the destruction of our planet ?
Something that causes pollution ...
Something that adds to the crap that litters our lives ...
Something that is made by big corporations at the expense of the planet ...
Something that ultimately destroys things.
So now, not surprisingly …
YOU question WHY I use zip ties.
So now YOU question MY plastic joining methods.
Would you have thought about the humble cable tie before this questioning of me ?
Would you have thought twice about buying yet another multi-pack of a million billion plastic zip ties that you may actually
only use a few of ?
Would you have thought before ...
in so much detail ...
about something that is so small ...
so cheap ...
so seemingly insignificant ?
Maybe this zip tie that I use to join my found and treasured rubbish ... made from a material we refuse to give up …
Sums up where and how we have been going wrong ...
Maybe this zip tie sums up how we are shortsighted ...
lazy ...
and always want to use a 'quick fix' ?
And …
just maybe …
this zip tie sums up what is wrong with our society ?
We are ignoring the fact that this planet is being strangled.
We are ignoring the fact that we are using this planets' precious resources to make things that will litter our own and more importantly others lives forever.
We are ignoring the pile of plastic crap that we are drowning under as we pile just another little bit on to the top and think that it won't matter.
Now do you question me ... ?
Now will you question YOU ... ?
Now do you question ... ?
Will you now think twice ?
Will you now continue to use them ?
Have I made YOU think ?