Beautiful unique hand-built forms inspired directly by erosion and decay.
'Peeling paint, erosion, texture, pattern and colour is what has inspired me throughout my 35+ years as a visual artist.
Porcelain paperclay is a fairly recent discovery ... it is stronger during hand building and when fired becomes lighter than traditional porcelain
(owing to the flax that burns out during firing).
It offers me more adventures for large scale sculptural hand-building and I'm loving seeing how much I can push it !!'
Porcelain paperclay is a fairly recent discovery ... it is stronger during hand building and when fired becomes lighter than traditional porcelain
(owing to the flax that burns out during firing).
It offers me more adventures for large scale sculptural hand-building and I'm loving seeing how much I can push it !!'
My love affair with ceramics began in 2019 ...
I never imagined that I would incorporate ceramics into my art practice but after coming across its use within art jewellery I started experimenting.
Once the experimentation had begun I realised how much I could push this amazing material in terms of form and treatment of surface detail ...
I realised that my painterly mark making and application of texture that I had so loved when painting, could once more play its major part in my work.
I never imagined that I would incorporate ceramics into my art practice but after coming across its use within art jewellery I started experimenting.
Once the experimentation had begun I realised how much I could push this amazing material in terms of form and treatment of surface detail ...
I realised that my painterly mark making and application of texture that I had so loved when painting, could once more play its major part in my work.